E-mail requests services to all companies whose securities are listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange.
The Egyptian Stock Exchange, in collaboration with the General Authority for Investment, decided to activate the series of measures issued by the Council of Ministers to support the stock market, by creating an email to receive requests for companies listed to complete their services at the Investment Authority as follows: (EGX-UNIT@gafinet.org .eg).
This has arisen after the establishment of a unit known as (services for companies whose securities are listed in the stock market). Under the Direction of the CEO of Gafi and led by the head of the Investment Services Sector, it’s goal is to boost the investment and business environment.
The Egyptian Stock Exchange has sent; An e-mail for all companies whose securities are listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange, to start benefiting from it by helping them complete their services, and to overcome all procedural and practical difficulties that they may face.
of the Arab African International Bank’s main role in developing human skills for the Egyptian market as a whole,” said Sherif Elwi, Managing Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab African International Bank.