A final draft of the labour law was approved by the Senate earlier this month and is expected to be published soon, completely replacing the present labour law no. 12 of 2003.
The Draft Law looks to be catching up with the development and modernity in the employment field in order to adapt to the recent social and economic developments in Egypt. Furthermore, Egypt’s Minister of Manpower confirmed that the Draft Law is compliant with international labour standards and treaties to which Egypt is a party.
The Minister of Manpower informs the public that the Draft Law regulates the relationship between employers and employees in such a way that both parties’ interests are properly balanced. And it’s predictable that the Parliament will still introduce some revisions to the Draft Law that will continue to protect employees while considering the interests of employers and their investments.
There are new main principles under the draft law such as “New leaves granted to employees for their actual days of exam, fully paid, and should not be deducted from their balance leave” and “New fund for irregular employees” and new resignation regulations.
And there are new amendments such as “the retention period of the employee file is now five years (instead of one)” and “there are no requirements to obtain the approval of the competent authority for overtime, but a notification from the employer to the competent authority. In addition, the employee may not be at work for more than 12 hours per day”.
This was a summary of the draft law and we will talk about it furtherly once the Draft Law is officially issued.
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