Zaki Hashem and Partners acted as the legal offering advisor to the IPO of Macro Capital Managers (EFG Hermes) & (Renaissance Capital) IBs.
The Financial Supervisory Authority has approved the Macro Group for Pharmaceuticals Company – Macro Capital’s offering prospectus, which aims to sell a maximum of 264.51 million shares, or 45.8% of the company’s capital, through a secondary market offering at a maximum price of EGP 6.05 per share.
The Egyptian Stock Exchange’s Securities Listing Committee agreed on January 12 to list the shares of Macro Group for Pharmaceuticals (Macro Capital) on the main market.
Macro Capital has an issued capital of 115.4 million pounds, divided into 577.3 million shares having a nominal value of EGP 0.20 each.
The company will be listed in the (Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals) sector, and a (Ticker Symbol) of MCRO.CA has been assigned to it.
A month after registration with the Financial Supervisory Authority, the company plans to issue 45% of its total shares in a public and private offering, which took place on 23 December 2021.